A third sector organisation that needs no introduction came to us frustrated at their existing external designer. We looked at the original brief that was given to the incumbent agency and we laid out a selection of options to get them to their goal.
January 2023
Whether this is due to simply just getting away from the screen or experiencing the various shapes and colours in nature, I cannot say. But many have said it helps bring back that spark needed for creativity.
While getting in the autumnal mood and browsing artwork and illustrations with those vibes I came across the lovely work of Jess Mason. In this post I wanted to share some of her lovely illustrations. Here I will share some of her work that will definitely get you in the autumn mood. I have always been drawn in by magical images and landscapes, so to me these are just amazing.
In between the showers that have been constant partners through August 2020 we did a very quick photoshoot for Fabulous Welshcakes.
I’m really not picking on Mini (see our other Mini based rant), but for this US version, what’s going on? The UK version has normal indicators set into the light cluster in a fairly normal manner. But with the US version, we’ll as they use the tail light as an indicator, things get a little weird…
Once upon a time a very straight-talking individual decided he wanted all the interiors of his budget airline planes to be very ‘on-brand’. Unfortunately, the side-effect of that decision was each plane interior had to be liberally plastered in a very in-you-face tone of yellow by a possibly-cringing-as-they-did-it graphic designer/interior designer.