I know designers who religiously collect examples of ampersands. It’s not hard to see what fires them up, a simple ligature that creates one of the most beautiful examples of typesetting. Time and time again you will see almost endless variety of this character.
So, you’ve decided to do it, or it’s been foisted upon you, or you feel you have to be involved with social media because everyone else is. Now what?
This is a quick post to show you a small selection of the lovely illustrations in the book, Wild Animals of the North. A lovely children’s book by Dieter Braun. I just had to show off these marvellous graphic design style illustrations…
If you don’t know how to deal with coming face to face with an urban deer, maybe you need this book. Admittedly, it’s written for a more North American market, but it was the beautiful illustration work by Jeff Östberg really caught my eye and make this a lovely book to flip through.
It’s a painting right? Well it take’s a little while to accept it, but it’s actually a hyper-realistic painting by the artist Jason de Graaf.
When discussion with friends turns to books, when I let people know that I (amongst other genres) enjoy sci-fi novels, I get a certain look. A look that says either ‘grow up’, or ‘start reading proper books’… or just, ‘he’s a graphic designer, what do you expect…’
Are we to depenendant on our devices? Are we just ‘digital zombies’ constantly glued to our phones? Regardless, I wanted to share with you some fascinating images by Antoine Geiger which I found, funnily enough, while engrossed on my phone.